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projeye özel ahşap bar sandalyeleri

Lungo Wooden Bar

We have wooden bar chair models with stylish color and upholstery options that are in line with the trends of developing production and technology. Designed by expert engineers and craftsmen with every detail in mind, bar chairs are produced with special techniques to adapt to different conditions and maintain their structural integrity for a very long time. Feel the design of bar chair models where elegant skeletal structure and delicate workmanship come together.

You can find the desired quality and model product among bar chair models. Our chairs, produced with the preferred upholstery options according to the area of use, provide elements that have a complementary effect on decoration.

Add value and privilege to your project with the wooden bar chair model preferred in your Hotel, Cafe, Restaurant, Office or Home Projects, thanks to the modern and comfortable designs that wood will bring to the environment.

Tabbure Concept brings the traces of innovation to your cafe, restaurant and hotel projects with its experience. Thank you for choosing us.


    • It is produced using beech wood.
    • Desired fabric and leather upholstery options can be applied.
    • Desired wood paint options are applied.


    Depth 54cm
    Back Height 110cm
    Session Height 75cm
    Weight 12 kg







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